Spring is here! This is the perfect time of the year to start de-cluttering your surroundings. Some of my friends mentioned to me that they already started their spring cleaning. This brings fresh energy all around us, which in turn attract those fresh opportunities you have been waiting for.
This is also the perfect time to have your home or office Space Cleared professionally. Space clearing gets rid of stagnant energies around the home/office, especially on corners, and brings the free flow of chi back. Clients report winning gifts, new jobs, new clients, getting rid of things in large quantities, reconnecting with their homes/offices and even sleeping better.
Professional Space Clearing, contrary to other forms of ‘home-made’ Space Clearing, also re-unites the energy of the home, so it’s like the home feels whole again. Many homes I visit have floors that don’t ‘communicate’ with each other, or rooms that are hardly used. This creates breakages in the flow of chi in the home and can cause stagnation. Stagnation of energy in the home, often appears as stagnation of energy in the body, and can cause diseases and/or tiredness. Professional Space clearing brings those energies together by gently weaving them back into place. After that is done, those unused rooms receive new attention, or the rumpus room, for example, receives a re-vamp. Many stories to tell about the magic of Professional Space Clearing…
I Space Clear my apartment professionally at least four times each year to bring fresh energies, new ideas, new clients, and it works each time.
In between the large Space Clearings, I use Aura-Soma products from The Colour Rose Online to keep the energy up and running. They recently also introduced the newly created Aura-Soma incense to their product list. This week I have been tired with a bad cold and I used the Green Pomander incense to clear the energy in my office. It was amazing how much fresh energy it brought back to the space. Real magic.
I also use Aura-Soma air conditioners for a quick clearing before giving a talk or meditation class. Before meditation I use St Germain Air Conditioner to bring us protection and blessings. And the delicious smell is a bonus! My students love it.
Aura-Soma personal products are really powerful as well and help in dealing with issues from health problems, anxiety and sleeping problems to even falling pregnant!
For more on Aura-Soma check The Colour Rose Online and for more detailed information about products contact Claire on claire@thecolourrose.com.au . Claire also offers personal sessions in the Northern Beaches or she can come to you at home.
For more on Professional Space Clearing ring or e-mail Ana.
m 0428 569 373
e ana@livinginharmony.com.au