Flying Star Feng Shui

Fu Dogs protect the entrance
Fu Dogs Protect the Entrance

Living in Harmony offers Flying Star Feng Shui to your home and business using unique solutions.

Flying Star Feng Shui is the most popular method used by Classical Feng Shui practitioners around the world.

The Flying Stars of a home or office are calculated by using a LoPan compass to read the perfect facing direction, plus the age the place was built or last went through a major renovation. This is contrary to the ‘front door’ method of applying the eight sectors at random directions, which is NOT used in Classical or Traditional Feng Shui and was never used in China.

These calculations using the Lopan Compass are very precise, require great skill in their interpretation and are best done by a fully-trained and experienced Classical Feng Shui practitioner.

The Flying Stars of a home or office reveal the potential of the building. Potential for health, harmony and wealth.

It is the practitioners job to activate all the good stars to bring their potential into action, and de-activate the not-so-good stars to stop their negative effects.

Activations and cures are then suggested based on the Five Elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal. The cures can be very simple such as adding a metal bowl to a room or a ceramic pot to a corner.

Living in Harmony uses Flying Star horoscope adapted for the Southern Hemisphere. This way we guarantee that facing North is the auspicious direction to face in Australia, instead of facing South as used in China.

Flying Star Feng Shui is used in conjuction with Form School Feng Shui.

FLYING STAR CONSULTATIONS START AT $398 FOR A TWO-HOUR CONSULTATION WITH FLYING STARS QUICK VIEW. Please note that Quick View consultations may not apply to larger homes, as for some homes Form Feng Shui advice alone may take up the two hours. Ring Ana on 0428 569 373 to find out if that suit your home.


How can Flying Stars help my home?

I have helped a few families  to have less arguments by controlling the star of arguments with a fire object.

After activating the wealth star 8, many of my clients have received some benefits such as: found a new job, received an unexpected amount of money, successfully started a new home-based business, started saving more money.

On the more practical level, Flying Stars can help you choose colours for each room, based on the most auspicious of the five elements for each room. And decide where all the different paintings and/or decorative objects will be better positioned.

The health and wealth potential of each room is also assessed and suggestions are made to improve usage for each room.

How can Flying Stars help my business?

The entrance and front door of your business are extremely important. Adding the right auspicious elements to your entrance and/or front door is all that is often needed. These could be a plant, a metal object or a water featured for instance.

Finding the permanent wealth star 8 and the immediate wealth star 8 and activating these is also crucial to support the business financial success. This is done by using a compass and a simple calculation.

Feng Shui can represent as much as 30% of your chances of business success.

My business clients have reported many successes such:

  • -increase in the harmony between employees
  • -increase in sales
  • -increase in the morale of staff
  • -delayed payments were received
  • -attracted good new clients

Flying Star Feng Shui is included in the Complete Feng Shui Consultation and a Quick View Flying Stars is included in any consultations 2 hours or more.

Ring Ana Brandão on 0428 569 373 or e-mail for a quote.

Classical Feng Shui and Mindfulness Meditation